Medical Secretary

Dually accredited in Anaesthesia and Emergency Medicine, with a Masters in Major Incident Medicine and Management (University of Leuven/Louvain University, Belgium) and Belgian Army Medical Services, I moved back to the UK in 1998 as Consultant Anaesthetist and Senior Clinical Lecturer, firstly at Frenchay Hospital, later also at Southmead Hospital.
With my interest in trauma, acute medicine, and Major Incident management, I was national Expert-Advisor to Belgian Secretaries of State (Health and Home Office), with added responsibility for introducing NATO-guided emergency services dispatch and communications hard- and software in the emergency systems.
I contributed to the first 24/7 airport medical emergency service team in Europe (A 11million passengers + Air Freight hub).
I became the first Medical Director/Board member of the Avon Ambulance National Health Service Trust and represented the Royal College of Anaesthetists on the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC); responsible for all clinical guidance – the JRCALC Guidelines – for all UK ambulance crews, and authorities (incl. HM Coroners, the Military, BNF, SAR, …).
As JRCALC chairman (2009 – 2013), I re-structured JRCALC with the Association of Ambulances Chief Executives, and the international licencing of the JRCALC Guidelines.
I was international Examiner for the European Diploma in Anaesthesia and assisted with the first Advanced Life Support education programmes in several European countries.
I am a regional voluntary President of the British Red Cross, and BRC Trustee-trained.
I am President of the Anaesthesia Section of the Royal Society of Medicine and, have convened the international RSM medico-legal conferences ‘When things go wrong’.
My medico-legal work covers professional Conduct, Competence, and Regulation of Medical and Paramedical practice and the organisation and co-ordination of health care systems, including Health and Safety. I have been an Expert-Witness for claimants and Assessor for Health Care boards.