
Welcome to the website for the Bristol Medico-Legal Society.

The Bristol Medico-Legal Society (BMLS) was set up in 1975 by a small group of local doctors and lawyers for discussion of topics of mutual interest. Since then it has grown to an association of doctors, dentists, barristers, solicitors, judges and veterinary surgeons with an academic or professional interest in each other’s work. The BMLS has operated continuously and has had a variety of local, national and international speakers.

Each academic year we hold five evening meetings supported by good food and wine with a distinguished speaker giving a talk on a topic with a medical or legal flavour. Whilst serious and important issues are explored, we also aim to entertain. The talks are aimed to be of interest to all our members and their guests. Questions, debate and interaction are encouraged!

Our evening talks are free to members and their guests. Prior to each meeting there is an optional hot supper with wine, tea and coffee at a modest charge.

There is also a formal but lively Annual Black-Tie Dinner in March with an eminent guest speaker. This is held in the Merchants’ Hall in Clifton. Wine for the dinner is carefully chosen, purchased by the Society and laid down with Avery’s Wine merchants.

New members are always welcome. Students may join as Associate Members and involve themselves in everything except voting at the Annual Meeting.

If you would like to get in touch, please contact our Legal Secretary (Beatrice Baskett) or any of the current officers.

You can follow us on Twitter or Instagram.