Next event: Thursday 26 November 2015

Thursday 26 November 2015


Dr Robert Spencer (Consultant in Public Health & Infectious Diseases)

Ebola: Just a rumble in the jungle?’

For our second meeting this season, we have Dr Robert Spencer, Consultant in Public Health & Infectious Diseases.


Dr Spencer qualified at St Mary’s Hospital Medical School in 1970. After post-graduate studies at The Wright-Fleming Institute and Birkbeck College, Robert became a Reader in Clinical & Experimental Microbiology, University of Sheffield. He moved to Bristol in 1994 where he was Lead South West Public Health Microbiologist for the Health Protection Agency.


He is the ex-president of The Institute of Decontamination Services (IDSc) and the ex-Chair of The Hospital Infection Society & ex-Chair of the Central Sterilising Club (CSC). He has published widely on many aspects of clinical and environmental microbiology and acted as an advisor to many governmental departments.


The subject matter of Dr Spencer’s talk is a topical one and whilst Ebola seems to be in retreat in West Africa, there have been reported cases in Europe, the US and of course the UK as a consequence of returning health workers and military personnel. I am sure it will be interesting to hear what Dr Spencer has to say on the topic and I hope very much that you will come along and support the Society at this event.


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