History of BMLS

A skeleton chronology of meetings:

AGMProfessor Richard Huxtable – Assisted Dying, the Law and the Ethics11 May 2017
Annual DinnerAnnual dinner – Charlotte Leslie, MP10 March 2017
Ordinary meetingHeather Thompson, Medical Detection Dogs26 January 2017
Ordinary meetingProfessor David Nutt (Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology, Imperial College London)

   ‘Legal Highs’

21 January 2016
Annual DinnerMr Nazir Afzal (Ex Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS in the Northwest)4 March 2016
DebateDebating the issue of the NHS and corporate manslaughter with pupils from St Johns, Guildhall and Albion Chambers14 April 2016
AGMDr Ben Gupta – “Working with Medecins Sans Frontieres” 12 May 2016
 Ordinary meeting Baroness Susan Greenfield‘How digital technologies are leaving their mark on our brains’ 20 October 2016
Ordinary meetingAlan Hunter, Director of Claims at the NHS LA

From Litigation to Prevention’

24 November 2016
Ordinary meetingDr John Carlisle – Fraud in Clinical Research22 January 2015
Annual DinnerDr Richard Hardie6 March 2015
DebateDebating the issue of assisted dying, with a team from Bristol University16 April 2015
AGMAlan Collins – The Jimmy Saville sexual abuse allegations
Elected President: Dr Judith Jones

Elected Vice President: Wendy Brown

21 May 2015
Ordinary meetingProfessor Lois Bibbings – ‘Binding men: stories about violence and law in late Victorian England’22 October 2015
Ordinary meetingDr Bob Spencer, Consultant in Public Health and Infectious Diseases – Ebola: A rumble in the jungle.26 November 2015
Ordinary MeetingDr Chris Jarvis, Medical Advisor to Team GB Cycling “Doping in cycling: Past problems and future solutions”23 January 2014
Annual DinnerDr Jim Down, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine at University College London Hospital – Polonium 210 and the former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko7 March 2014
Ordinary MeetingDr Stuart Hamilton, Home Office Forensic Pathologist “Old bones and new eyes: the role of exhumation in 21st century forensic investigation”10 April 2014
AGMProfessor Jeremy Tavaré,

Director of the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research

15 May 2014
Ordinary MeetingSusie Orbach, Psychotherapist – Why men murder children16 October 2014
Ordinary MeetingCamilla Brown – Unchosen20 November 2014


Ordinary MeetingDr Andrew Longstaff, Consultant Radiologist, Frenchay HospitalJanuary 24th 2013
 Radiation Can Be Good For You: How Imaging Has Revolutionised Surgical Practice 
Annual DinnerThe Mansion House, BristolMarch 1st 2013
 Guest of Honour: Paul Bowen QC 
Ordinary MeetingMr Chris Goulden, Children’s SolicitorApril 11th 2013
 Keeping Children (and their doctor) Safe: Controversies in Child Protection Law and its Implementation 
AGMElected President: Mr Tim Grice. 
 Elected Vice-President: Dr Judith Jones 
 Elected Medical Secretary: Dr Sarah Martindale 
 Members Papers: 
 Dr Martin Plummeridge: “Working is bad for your health!” 
 Mr Alan Montague: “Dead Heat” – a marathon doc’s experience 
Ordinary MeetingMr Christopher Jefferies, retired schoolmaster and Leveson Inquiry contributor: “Ethics and the Media”October 17th 2013
Ordinary MeetingMiss Helen Mulvein, Legal Advisor to HM Foreign and Commonwealth Office:November 21st 2013
 From Treaties to Trailers: the Role of the Foreign Office Legal Advisor 


Ordinary MeetingDr Fergus MacBeth, Director of the Centre for Clinical Practice, National Institute for Clinical Excellence.
Nasty or N.I.C.E. ?
January 24th 2012
Annual DinnerThe Mansion House, Bristol
Guest of Honour: Professor Mike Grocott
March 2nd 2012
Ordinary MeetingMiss Lois Bibbings, Senior Law Lecturer, University of Bristol
Do or Die? Conscientious Objection in Medical Practice
March 27th 2012
AGMAdoption of move to The Engineer’ House, Clifton.May 15th 2012
Members’ Papers1. The President, Dr Louise Foster: “Dentistry on the ocean waves: the QE2 and working aboard her”
2. The Medical Secretary, Alan Montague: “Chemical Weapons: The Moral Argument”
Ordinary MeetingNEW VENUE: The Engineers’ House, Clifton
Dr Jules Blackham, Consultant Emergency Physician, Pre-Hospital Physician
The Helicopter Emergency Medical Service: Focussed Excellence, Expensive Fun or Both?
October 18th 2012
Ordinary MeetingProfessor Richard Williams OBE, TD, FRCPsych
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
War and Civilian Catastrophe: Preventing, Mitigating and Treating the Horrors
November 27th 2012


Ordinary MeetingMr Richard Edwards FRCS, Consultant Paediatric Neurosurgeon.
Identifying Non-Accidental Head Injury In A Child
January 25th 2011
Annual DinnerThe Mansion House, Bristol
Speaker: The Lord Hunt of Wirral
February 25th 2011
Ordinary MeetingDr Clare Kendall, Consultant Physician in Palliative Medicine:
The End of Life: Making the Decisions
March 17th 2011
Short PapersA Run on the Bank: The Southmead Litigation. Miss Karen Sanders LLMMay 19th 2011
 Pleural Plaques: Asbestos Pathology: Dr Nick Maskell, Chest Physician 
AGMElected: President: 
 Dr Louise Foster BDS(Manc), PhD(Bristol), FRACDS 
Ordinary MeetingMr Nigel Mercer FRCS, Consultant Plastic SurgeonOctober 20th 2011
 The Desire for Perfection in a Flawed World: Regulation of  Injectable Cosmetic Treatments 
Ordinary MeetingProfessor David Maguire PhD FRGS  Former Chief Scientist, Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc.:November 24th 2011
 Why there is no such thing as a postcode lottery: Geographical Information Systems and the New Medico-Legal Geography 


Ordinary MeetingDr Russell Delaney FRCPath. “Military Fatalities and the Role of the  Forensic Pathologist in Modern Military Medicine”January 21st
Annual DinnerThe Mansion House, BristolFebruary 26th
 Speaker: Dr Ed Coates 
Ordinary MeetingProfessor Raymond Tallis: “Medical Ethics in the Real Mess of the Real World”March 25th
Short PapersDr Adam Brown, Emergency Physician “Helicopter Emergency Medical Services: High Risk and High Exposure”May 13th
AGMDr Jules Brown, Intensive Care Physician: Diving Medicine 
Ordinary MeetingProfessor Gareth Williams, former Dean of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bristol: “Edward Jenner and the discovery of vaccination: a medical and moral tale”October 14th
Ordinary MeetingSir Peter Simpson FRCA, Chairman UK Donation Ethics Committee: “Organ Donation  and Transplantation: Removing the Obstacles”November 25th


Ordinary MeetingThe Rt Hon Lord Owen CH FRCPJanuary 22nd
 In Sickness And In Power: Illness in heads of government. 
Annual DinnerThe Mansion House, BristolFebruary 27th
 Speaker:: Dr George Papworth 
Ordinary MeetingDr John CroftMarch 31st
 Polonium 210 and the Litvinyenko Incident 
Short PapersChristopher Sharp QC: “The similarities between the trials of Saddam Hussein and King Charles 1”May 14th
 John Kilmister: “Everything you ever wanted to know about asbestos but were afraid to ask” 
 President: Ms Kay McCluskey 
Ordinary MeetingDr Guy Norfolk: Forensic Services for Rape VictimsOctober 22nd
Ordinary MeetingMr Christopher Rollings:  Work of the Expert Witness in General Aviation AccidentsNovember 26th


Ordinary MeetingDr Michael Milne, Consultant, Frenchay HospitalJan 24th
 Triage for Intensive Care: (Un) Just, (Un) Necessary and (Un) Kind 
Annual DinnerThe Mansion House, BristolFeb 22nd
 Speaker: Dr Paul Knapman FRCP FRCS DMJ. HM Coroner for Inner West London sitting at Westminster 
 MrBryan Harvey BDS FGDP(UK) Deputy Head of the Dental Defence Union: 
Ordinary MeetingThe Ethics of Dentistry: The Other Side of the FenceApril 3rd
Members’ PapersErwin Brown: “Understanding Mrs A”: Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus and other superbugsMay 8th
 Timothy Chambers: “Stuffing their mouths with gold(s)” The Clinical Excellence Awards Scheme for NHS Consultants. 
 Julie Chappell: The Impact of the Obesity Epidemic on the NHS 
Ordinary MeetingProfessor Sir Al Aynsley-Green  HM Commissioner for ChildrenOctober 23rd
 11 Million Reasons for a Childrens’ Commissioner 
Ordinary MeetingMr Bertie Leigh, Senior Partner, HempsonsNovember 27th
 The Doctor and Society – why is it a dysfunctional relationship and how far is the Law to blame? 


Ordinary MeetingMr Donald Sammut FRCS FRCS (Plas)Jan 25th
 Leprosy in Anandwan, Central India:. Account of the Work of Baba Amte: Lawyer, Doctor, Visionary. 
Annual DinnerThe Mansion House, BristolFeb 22nd
 Speaker Mr Nigel Pascoe QC 
Ordinary MeetingMr Robert Slack FRCS, Consultant ENT Surgeon, Member GMCMarch 29th
 Whatever Is Going On At The General Medical Council? 
Members’ PapersMark Cheesman: Elder abuse; a case  studyMay 10th
 Colette Reid: Morphine after Shipman 
 Eugene Lloyd: Professional discipline of dental and medical students 
Ordinary MeetingProf David Blake FRCP Professor of Bone and Joint Medicine, Univ. of BathOct 25th
 Mad, Sad, Bad, Sick or Thick? An analysis of chronic pain states. 
Ordinary MeetingAndrew Hopper QCNov 29th
 Defending Solicitors: “The Star Chamber” 
AGMElected Legal Secretary: Miss Hannah Volpé 


Ordinary MeetingDr Michael Powers QCJan 26th
Ordinary MeetingThe Complaints Culture, Child Protection and PaediatriciansMarch 30th
 Dr Harvey Marcovitch: Consultant Paediatrician 
Members’ PapersDudley Thomas: Adoption and the Children ActMay 11th
 Alan Montague: Doctors’ Error and Manslaughter Prosecution 
 John Henderson: Medical Issues Affecting Children 
Annual DinnerSpeaker: Denzil Lush, Master, Court of ProtectionFeb 24th
Medoc: Ch. Carcanieux 1996  
Ordinary MeetingGeneral Sir John Deverill KCB OBE FRSA FICPDOct 26th
 The Utility and Morality of War in the Present Day 
Ordinary MeetingMr Gordon Bebb QCNov 30th
 Corporate Manslaughter 
AGMElected President: Dr TL Chambers OBE JP FRCP 
 Elected Medical Secretary: Alan Montague FRCS 


Ordinary MeetingComputer Derived EvidenceJan 20th
 Professor Neil Bartlett: Technical Director, Information Risk Management plc, Visiting Professor, Computer Crime, Cranfield University. 
Annual DinnerThe Mansion House, BristolFeb 25th
 Speaker: Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss DBE 
Ordinary MeetingTo Sleep, Perchance to OffendMarch 17th
 Dr Jonathan Bird, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, The Burden Centre, Bristol 
Members’ PapersFrank Walters: “Better to light a candle than curse the darkness”. Bringing Anaesthesia to Deprived Parts of the WorldMay 12th
 Bill Owen:  The Employment Tribunal: “Claimants always win, don’t they?” 
Summer Social GatheringGatcombe CourtJune 17th
Ordinary MeetingSuccess is a Funeral: Practicalities of the Identification Procedures in the Recent Tsunami Tragedy in Sri Lanka and ThailandOct 27th
 Dr John Robson: President, British Association for Forensic Odontology 
Ordinary MeetingRotten Eggs in the Omlette, Can We Identify Poorly Performing Doctors Without Embarking on an Expensive Witch-Hunt?Nov 24th
AGMProf Christopher Bulstrode, Professor of Trauma and Orthopaedics, University of Oxford, Member of the GMC 


Ordinary MeetingGoverning a modern Prison – Preparing For ReleaseJan 22nd
 Miss Veronica O’Dea, Governor HMP and YOI Ashfield 
Annual DinnerThe Mansion House, BristolFeb 27th
Ch Timberlay, Bordeaux Superieur 1998Speaker Dr Phil Hammond 
Ordinary MeetingAlzheimer’ Disease, A Suitable Case For TreatmentMarch 25th
 Prof Gordon Wilcock, Professor in Care of the Elderly, University of Bristol 
Members’ PapersTim Chambers: Salt Poisoning In Infancy and Childhood – Fact or Fiction?May 13th
 Alice Roberts: Time Team – the Skeleton Evidence 
 David Dixon: Signing Your Life Away? 
Summer Social GatheringGatcombe CourtJune 18th
Ordinary MeetingMen from Out of Town: Experts on TrialOctober 21st
 Sir Louis Blom-Cooper QC 
Ordinary MeetingForensic Animation – Does Graphic Evidence Aid Understanding?Nov 25th
 Dr Damian Schofield PhD, Lecturer ScHEME, University of Nottingham, Director, AIMS Solutions, Nottingham 
AGMElected President: Mr Andrew Hannam 


Ordinary MeetingThe Internal Drug SmugglerJan 23rd
 Mr Malcolm Clark, Detection Manager, HM Customs and Excise, Heathrow 
Annual DinnerRedland High SchoolFeb 28th
 Speaker: Sir Graeme Catto, President GMC,  Dean of Guy’s, Kings and St Thomas’s 
Ordinary MeetingTales of a Peripatetic PathologistMarch 20th
 Dr Richard Shepherd, Head of Forensic Medicine, St Georges Hospital Medical School 
Members’ PapersDudley Thomas: Current Confusion in SentencingMay 15th
 Richard Brown: Desdemona’s  Last Gasp, Some Medico-Legal Problems in Shakespeare 
 Andrew Gregg: The Real 007 
Ordinary MeetingTeeth Tell talesOctober 23rd
 Dr AW (Freddie) Martin, Forensic Odontologist 
Ordinary MeetingSudden Unexpected Death in Infancy – A Medico-Legal EmergencyNov 27th
AGMProf Peter Fleming, Professor of Child Health and Developmental Physiology, University of Bristol 


Ordinary MeetingCrime, Science and Crime ScienceJan 24th
 Dr Tamara Burrows PhD, Senior research Fellow, Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, University College, London 
Annual DinnerRedland High SchoolFeb 22nd
Ch de Haux, 1er Cotes de BordeauxSpeaker: Mr John Royce QC 
Ordinary MeetingAncient Egyptian Mummies: A Resource for Scientific StudiesMarch 21st
 Professor Rosalie David, Director, Centre for Biomedical and Forensic studies, University of Manchester 
Members’ PapersHugh Roberts: Why did we do that Malcolm? – The early years of the Bristol Medico-Legal SocietyMay 9th
 Harry Espiner: Through the Keyhole – Is It Still on the Map? 
Summer Social Gathering June 21st
Ordinary MeetingEasing the PassingOctober 24th
 The Hon Mr Justice Hooper, President of the British Academy  of Forensic Scientists 
Ordinary MeetingThe Pitfalls of Medical EvidenceNov 28th
 Ms Mary Bennett, Barrister 
AGMElected President: Mr Dick Elderton 


Ordinary MeetingHeads and TalesJan 18th
 Mr Richard Neave, Artist in Medicine and the Life Sciences, University of Manchester 
Annual DinnerThe Grand Hall, Colstons Collegiate SchoolFeb 23rd
 Speaker: Mike Brearley OBE, Psychotherapist and former England Cricket Captain 
Ordinary MeetingWho’s Calling Please?March 22nd
 Dr Peter French, Forensic Phonetician 
Members’ PapersRonald Hiles: Medical and Legal Aspects of Acid Attacks in BangladeshMay 10th
 Paul Rumley: One Hundred Lawyers at the Bottom of the Ocean?…A Good Start 
 John Robson: Incident at the Long Tom Pass 
Summer Social GatheringZooJune 22nd
Ordinary MeetingCurrent Controversies in the Radiological Diagnosis of Non-Accidental InjuriesOct 11th
 Dr Stephen Chapman FRCP, FRCPCH, FRCR, Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, Birmingham Childrens’ Hospital 
Ordinary MeetingDeath, Disaster and reconstruction: A Personal Perspective of Forensic MedicineNov 22nd
AGMProf Peter Vanezis, Regius Professor of Forensic Medicine and Science, University of Glasgow 
Special MeetingSoiree: Royal West of England AcademyDec 6th


Ordinary MeetingFacial Disfigurement, – Its Causes and ConsequencesJan 20th
 Mr James Partridge, founder and director, ‘Changing Faces’ 
Annual DinnerThe Grand Hall, Colstons Collegiate SchoolFeb 25th
 Speaker: Sir David Ramsbottom GCB CBE, Chief Inspector of HM Prisons 
Ordinary MeetingThe work of the Police Complaints Authority – a Medical FocusMarch 23rd
 Mrs Molly Meacher, Deputy Chairman, Police Complaints Authority 
Members’ Papers‘A day in the life of…’May 11th
 Jonathan Musgrave: Pre-clinical Dean, Faculty of Medicine 
 Primrose Salt: Dental Surgeon 
 Ian Glenn QC: Barrister 
Summer Social GatheringPrior Park, Bath7th July
Ordinary MeetingRights or Wrongs? The Role of the CourtsOct 19th
 Sir Robert Carswell, Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland 
Ordinary MeetingHarold Shipman – The Pathologist’s ViewNov 23rd
 Dr John Rutherford, Home Office Pathologist 
AGMElected President: Dr Ronnie Barber 


Ordinary MeetingBody Alteration and the LawJan 21st
 Lois Bibbings, Co-founder, Centre for Law and Gender Studies, University of Bristol 
Annual DinnerThe Grand Hall, Colstons Collegiate SchoolFeb 26th
Ch Montrose 1985Speaker: Sir Neil Butterfield QC 
Ordinary MeetingHow the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme WorksMarch 25th
 Mr Michael Lewer QC, Chairman, CICA 
Ordinary MeetingThe GMC: Setting Standards?May 6th
 Sir Cyril Chantler, Council Member GMC,  Dean of UMDS of Guy’s, Kings and St Thomas’s 
Summer Social GatheringClifton Hill HouseJune 30th
Ordinary MeetingSports PsychologyOct 21st
 Dr Steve Bull, Sports Psychologist to England and Wales Cricket Board 
Ordinary MeetingMauritius; a Policing ExperienceDec 9th
 Mr David Shattock, personal adviser to the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Retired Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset 
AGMSubscription raised to £20 


Ordinary MeetingThe Pathologist’s Contribution to Fatal Accident InvestigationsJan 21st
 Air Commodore Tony Cullen RAF 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 27th
Portada (Estramadura) 1995 TintoSpeaker: Prof Walter Nimmo 
Ordinary MeetingThe Right to DieMarch 19th
 Margaret Branthwaite, Barrister, Consultant Anaesthetist 
Members’ PapersRichard Elderton: Has your dentist ripped you off?May 7th
 Bernard Rowe: Whiplash injuries and their problems 
 Ivor Doney: Don’t meddle with our drink driving laws – One man’s view 
Summer Social GatheringThe Orangery at Goldeney HallJuly 3rd
Ordinary MeetingArt, Surgery and TransplantationOct 8th
 Sir Roy Yorke Calne, General Surgeon, Cambridge 
Members PapersChris Torrance: Forensic FablesNov 19th
 Robert Boyd: Tales out of school 
 Stefan Cembrowicz: Doctors in danger – violent patients 
AGMElected president: Mr William Owen 
Special MeetingWine Tasting, Harveys Wine MuseumDec 1st
 John Harvey 


Ordinary MeetingWhat’s New in Medical Ethics?Jan  23rd
 Prof A Campbell, Professor of Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 28th
Rouge Homme, Coonawarra 1993 Shiraz/SauvignonSpeaker: Prof James Owen Drife,  Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Leeds 
Ordinary MeetingThe Bedminster Body in ConcreteMarch 27th
 Dr Hugh White, Consultant Forensic Pathologist, Southmead Hospital 
Members’ PapersNigel Mercer: My journeys to Russia to operate on “the Red Kids” 
 Thurston Brewin: Premum non nocere: above all, do no harmMay 1st
 Charles Clarke: The Clarke War Letters – Legal and Medical Soldiers – 1914-16 
Summer Social GatheringLeigh Court, Abbot’s LeighJuly 4th
Ordinary MeetingThe Mary Rose – Work from the burials from the ship.Oct 9th
 Dr Anne Stirland, Human Skeletal Biologist and Paloepathologist 
Ordinary MeetingForensic EntomologyNov 12th
AGMDr Bryan Turner 
Special MeetingWine TastingDec 4th
 Avery’s Culver Street Cellars 


Ordinary MeetingSamuel Pepys and His DoctorsJan 18th
 Mr Alan Amias,  Gynaecologist, Former Medical Director, St George’s Hospital Medical School 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 23rd
Domaine des Ormeaux, Lussac Saint EmilionSpeaker: Dr AW (Sandy) Macara, President BMA 
Ordinary MeetingForensic Fraud 
 Mr Hugh Tyrynis Thomas MD FRCS FRCS(C) Consultant Lecturer in SurgeryMarch 21st
Members’ PapersTim Chambers: Phenylketonuria, and Care Proceedings: Sledgehammers and Nuts?May 2nd
 Elizabeth MacKenzie: Cervical Screening: To Sue or Not To Sue? 
 Richard Barnard: WG Grace, Cricketer and Medical Man Extraordinary 
Summer Social GatheringRoyal West of England AcademyJuly 5th
Ordinary MeetingSerial Murder – Forensic Dental Investigation in the West CaseOct 10th
 Dr David Whittaker BDS PhD FDSRCS, Reader in Oral biology and Forensic Dentistry, University of Wales College of Medicine 
Ordinary MeetingBogus Doctors, Getting In, Getting On and Getting Out of MedicineNov 28th
 Dr Joanne Hartland PhD, Senior Researcher, Cardiff Health Authority 
AGMElected President: Dr Robin Weller 
Special MeetingTour of the new Crown Court, Small StreetDec 5th


Ordinary MeetingAdolescent MurderersJan 19th
 Dr Martin Gay MD FRCPsych DPM DCH  Consultant Child Psychiatrist, Bristol 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 24th
 Speaker: Dr David A Pyke CBE MD FRCP 
Ordinary MeetingWindsor Castle and MoreMarch 23rd
 Mr Andrew Wade, MSc Senior Scientific Officer, Metropolitan Police Fire Investigation Unit 
Members’ Papers May 4th
Summer Social GatheringThe Pathology of TerrorismJuly 7th
 Prof Jack Crane MRCPath, DMJ, State Pathologist and Professor of Forensic Medicine, The Queen’s University of Belfast 
Ordinary MeetingPoetry, Prose and Paintings in WarOct 12th
 Dr J Campell MacKenzie FRCP, Consultant Nephrologist, Southmead Hospital, Bristol 
Ordinary Meeting Nov 30th


Ordinary MeetingCoroner in the CapitalJan 20th
 Dr Paul Knapman MB BS, DMJ Barrister. HM Coroner Inner West London 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 25th
 Speaker:  The Hon Mr Justice (Harry) Ognall 
Ordinary MeetingMunchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy Child AbuseMarch 24th
 Professor Roy Meadow MA FRCP, Professor of Paediatrics, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds 
Members’ PapersIvor Doney: Is your bite-mark as good as it should be?May 5th
 Stephan Jordan: Why Patients sue their doctors, a cardiologist’s view 
Summer Social Gathering July 8th
Ordinary MeetingA ResurrectionOct 13th
 Dr Hugh White MRCPath DMJ 
Ordinary Meeting  
 Identification of the Romanov Family by DNA ProfilingNov 24th
 Dr Peter Gill BSc PhD, Forensic Science Service, Birmingham 
AGMElected President: Mr Jack Ross 


Ordinary MeetingSport and the Law: Flanneled Fools and Muddied OafsJan 21st
 Mr Edward Grayson, Barrister 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 26th
 Speaker: Professor David Purdie 
Ordinary MeetingDeath in the BushMarch 25th
 Dr Ian West FRCPath, DMJ Consultant Forensic Pathologist, UMDS Guy’s and St Thomas’s 
Members’ Papers May 6th
Summer Social Gathering July 9th
Ordinary MeetingThe Kaleidoscope Project – A Community Response to Druge UseOct  7th
 The Rev Eric Blakeborough MBE 
Ordinary MeetingPersistent Vegetative State, Medical Ethical and Legal Dilemmas 
AGMProf Bryan Jennett OBE FRCS, Institute of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow 


Ordinary MeetingMedical Aspects of Motor RacingJan 30th
 MR ES Watkins FRCS, Professor of Neurosurgery, Royal London Hospital, Chief Medical Officer GP Racing 
Annual DinnerThe Council houseFeb 28th
 Speaker Mr George Bonney FRCS 
Ordinary MeetingThe Investigation of Serial MurderMarch 12th
 Prof MA Green, Forensic Pathologist, Sheffield 
Members’ PapersAdrian James: Law and disorder; the link between crime and mental disorderMay 7th
 John Royce: Murder Most Curious 
 Hugh Roberts: The History of Artificial Hip Replacement 
Summer Social GatheringSS Great BritainJuly 10th
Ordinary MeetingHostage DebriefingOct 15th
 Dr David Stephens: Psychiatrist, Princess Alexandra Hospital, RAF Wroughton 
Ordinary MeetingBog BodiesNov 26th
 Mr JB Bourke FRCS, Senior Lecturer in Surgery, Nottingham 
AGMElected President: HH Judge Malcolm Cotterill 


Ordinary MeetingWombs For Hire – SurrogacyJan 24th
 Prof Sir Malcolm MacNaughton, Muirhead Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Glasgow 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 22nd
 Speaker: The Hon Mr Justice (Charles) Mantell 
Ordinary MeetingThe Huguenot MurdersMarch 13th
 Dr David Whittaker, Department of Basic Dental Science, University of Wales College of Medicine 
 Desmond O’Neill: Driving and Dementia 
Members’ PapersColin Sara: Racial DiscriminationMay 15th
 Ronald Pigott: “Up your nose” – Some problems of communication 
Summer Social Gathering  
Ordinary MeetingThe Psychology of ErrorOct 24th
 Mr JW Chappelow, Principal Psychologist, RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine 
Ordinary MeetingIn Defence of FaultNov 21st
 Mr MAMS Leigh, Solicitor, Hempsons 
AGMSubscription raised to £12 


Ordinary MeetingFiat Justitia: The Trial of Terrorist OffencesJan 26th
 The Hon Mr Justice Carswell 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 23rd
 Speaker: Lord Carlisle of Bucklow PC QC DL 
Ordinary MeetingHelping the Police With Their Enquiries: Recent Developments in Psychological Research on the Profiling of OffendersMarch 29th
 Robin Keeley in lieu of Professor David Cantor (DNA) 
Members’ PapersTim Chambers: EuthanasiaMay 16th 1990
 James Wisheart: Coronary Artery Surgery 
 Elizabeth Roberts: Legal Aspects of Transexual Surgery 
Ordinary MeetingCrimewatch UK – The Making of the ProgrammeOct 25th
 Helen Phelps, Nicki Cheetham. Researcher, Producer BBC Television 
Ordinary MeetingThe Hungerford MassacreNov 22nd
 Dr Richard Shepherd, Lecturer in Forensic Medicine, UMDS of Guy’s and St Thomas’s 
AGMElected President: Mr Hugh Roberts 


Ordinary MeetingMeasures against International TerrorismJan 26th
 Maj Gen Richard Clutterbuck 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 24th
 Speaker: Mr John Rayne FDSRCS 
Ordinary MeetingMedico-Legal Aspects of Defective HearingMarch 22nd
 Prof Ronald Hinchcliffe 
Members’ PapersRosalind Stanwell-Smith: Doctor Snoddy’s RevengeMay 11th
 Campbell Mackenzie: The Forgotten Physician 
 Clive Gingell: The Sex Offender – Is There an Alternative to Prison? 
Summer Social GatheringZooJuly 7th
Ordinary MeetingThe Problems of Drug-Taking in SportOct 26th
 Mr Peter Coni OBE QC 
Ordinary MeetingTaking Children’s Rights SeriouslyNov 23rd
AGMIvor Doney in lieu of Prof Freeman (DNA) 


Ordinary MeetingThe Princes in the TowerJan 28th
 Dr Theya Molleson 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 26th
 Speaker: Sir David Innes-Williams FRCS, Chairman ICRF 
Ordinary MeetingStrange Tales From Canada and AustraliaMarch 26th
 Prof Derrick Pounder: Dept of Forensic Pathology, Dundee 
Members’ PapersJohn Westacott: Conciliation in Divorce: A Contradiction in Terms?May 19th
 Ian Bailey: Should there be legally required requests for organ donation? 
 Ken Gibson: Payment of experts’ fees – avoiding the pitfalls 
 David McCoy: Spencer Wells 
Summer Social GatheringZooJuly 21st
Ordinary MeetingGenetic FingerprintingOct 5th
 Mr Ron Yaxley, Cellmark Diagnostics 
Ordinary MeetingForensic Aspects of DocumentsNov 24th
 Mr David Ellis, Metropolitan Police Forensic Science Laboratory 
AGMElected President: HH Judge John da Cunha 


Ordinary MeetingHeads and TalesJan 29th
 Mr Richard Neave 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 27th
 Speaker: Dr Douglas Acres OBE: Chairman, The Magistrates’ Association 
Ordinary MeetingCurrent Issues In SentencingMarch 26th
 Dr DA Thomas LLD, Trinity Hall, Cambridge 
Members’ PapersRupert Bursell QC: The Water Newton HoardMay 21st
 Clive Gingell FRCS: Impotence – Fact Or Fiction? 
 David Ransom: Pure, White and Deadly 
Summer Social GatheringThe Downs School, WraxallJuly 18th
Ordinary MeetingThe Hindawi CaseSept 28th
 Mr Gilbert Gray QC 
Ordinary MeetingMedico-Legal aspects of Biblical DeathsNov 26th
AGMDr David Filer MD, Police Surgeon 


Ordinary MeetingPsychiatrist at a SiegeJan 16th
 Prof John Gunn, Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 28th
 Speaker: Prof Eric Wilkes, Professor.of General Practice, University of 
Ordinary MeetingThe Gorgei Markov CaseMarch 27th
 Mr Robin Keeley, Metropolitan Police Laboratory 
Members’ PapersDr Peter Trafford: Dartmoor Prison and the American Prisoners in 1813-15May 15th
 Mr Dudley Thomas: Humour in the Court 
 Dr Robin Weller: Don’t even get ill abroad 
Summer Social GatheringHiatt Baker HallJuly 4th
Ordinary MeetingSir Samuel Garth, the Dispensary PoetSep25th
 Sir Christopher Booth 
Ordinary MeetingProsecution – In the Public Interest?Nov 27th
 Dr Jacqueline Tombs 
AGMElected President: Dr Ivor Doney 


Ordinary MeetingSurgery in the Egyptian Old KingdomJan 17th
 Professor John Nunn, Dept of Anaesthesia, Clinical Research Centre, Harrow 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 22nd
 Speaker: Professor Alan Usher OBE FRCPath 
Ordinary MeetingIn the UnderworldMarch 21st
 Professor Laurie Taylor, Dept of Sociology, University of York 
Members’ PapersProfessor John Clamp: Sailing Under False ColoursMay 16th
 Professor Gordon Stirrat: Capable of Being Born Alive 
 Dr Robert Reeves: Wives Who Kill Their Husbands 
Summer Social GatheringGatcombe CourtJuly 5th
Ordinary MeetingForensic MythologyOct 17th
 Professor Bernard Knight, University of Wales College of Medicine 
Ordinary MeetingJudging WomenNov 21st
AGMDr Pat Carlen, Department of Law, University of Keele 


Ordinary MeetingThe Shroud of TurinJan 19th
 Prof James Cameron FRCPath, Department of Forensic Medicine, The London Hospital 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 24th
 Speaker: Gilbert Gray QC 
SymposiumDrug AbuseMarch 15th
 Chairman: Dr Martin Gay FRCPsych, Consultant Child Psychiatrist 
 Chief Inspector Tim Bryan, Head Avon and Somerset Drug Squad 
 Dr Julie Parker, Research Registrar, Avon Drug Abuse Monitoring Project 
 Dr Robert Reaves, Consultant Psychiatrist 
 Mr Dudley Thomas, Solicitor, Trump and Partners 
Members’ PapersTim Chambers: Treatment of Renal Failure in ChildrenMay 17th
 Brian Cummins: Common Problems in Head Injury 
 Michael Furmston: Informed Consent 
 Ivor Doney: ‘Please Pardon the Smell’ 
Summer Social GatheringWills HallJuly 6th
Ordinary Meeting‘Dead Men Tell No Tales’Oct 18th
 Professor David Bowen, Forensic Pathologist, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School 
Ordinary MeetingThe Role of the Firearms ExaminerNov 15th
 Mr Peter Prescott, Forensic Science Laboratory, Huntingdon 
AGMElected President Mr Charles Clarke 


Ordinary Meeting‘The Right to Recover’Jan 20th
 Dr John Wall; Secretary, Medical Defence Union 
Annual DinnerThe Council HouseFeb 25th
 Speaker: Prof Alan Usher, Home Office Pathologist 
Ordinary MeetingThe Right to LifeMarch 17th
 Michael Bell MA Chairman, Association of Lawyers for the Defence of the Unborn 
Members’ PapersMr Jeffrey Phillips: The Bristol Accident Advice SchemeMay 19th
 Dr Yvonne Wiley: ‘Unfit To Plead’ 
 Dr Peter Trafford: Diminished Responsibility 
Summer Social MeetingHiatt Baker HallJuly 8th
 Speaker: Dr John Parkes BBC: Wildlife through the Camera 
Ordinary Meeting‘Don’t Die Abroad’ – The problems of investigating death from overseasOct 20th
 Dr Michael Green, Dept of Forensic Medicine, University of Leeds 
Ordinary MeetingDialect and Voice IdentificationNov 19th
AGMMr Stanley Ellis MA MIL, School of English, University of Leeds 


Ordinary MeetingThe Yorkshire RipperJan 21st
 Prof DJ Gee 
Annual DinnerRoyal West of England AcademyFeb 26th
Guimarra Cabernet SauvignonSpeaker: Richard Du Cann QC 
Ordinary MeetingThe Armoury of the TerroristMarch 18th
 Mr HJ Yallop OBE, MSc FRIC 
Members’ Papers May 20th
Summer Social Gathering July 2nd
Ordinary MeetingWhat You Eat Is My BusinessSept 16th
 Mr Braxton Reynolds; Public Analyst, Devon County Council 
Ordinary MeetingThe Development of Victim Support ServicesNov 18th
 Dame Helen Reeves; National Officer, National Association of Victims Support Schemes 
AGMElected President: HH Judge Sir Ian Lewis 
Beaujolais nouveauSubscription raised to £6 


Ordinary MeetingDoes Murder Have a Message?Jan 15th
 Dr AC Hunt, Home Office Pathologist 
Annual DinnerRoyal West of England AcademyFeb 27th
 Speaker: Sir Reginald Murley PRCS 
Ordinary MeetingDr Gisli Gudjonson:, Institute of Psychiatry, University of LondonMarch 19th
 Lie Detection 
Members’ PapersDavid Berry: Whose skull was this?May 14th
 Roderick Denyer: Nervous shock 
 Philip Goulding: What to do with a drunken partner 
Summer Social MeetingGoldney Hall; Bristol Early Music Consort 
Ordinary MeetingConfessional Evidence: ‘That’s not what I meant to say’.Sept 17th
 Dr AMP Kellam, Consultant Psychiatrist 
Ordinary MeetingThe Royal Commission: Misguided Reform of the Criminal System.Nov 19th
AGMDr John Baldwin, Dr Michael McConville, Birmingham University Faculty of Law 


Ordinary MeetingRecent Progress in the Scientific Detection of Crime 
 Mr S KindJan 17th
Annual DinnerRoyal West of England Academy 
Pisse Dru 1979Speaker The Rt Hon Lord Justice (Fred) LawtonFeb 29th
Members’ PapersMr ERF Deal: Motoring LawMay 29th
 Dr Ivor Doney: ‘Poisoning can be fun!’ 
 Dr J Naish: Hysteria 
 Dr PA Trafford: Dartmoor Prison in the 1860s 
Summer Social GatheringGoldney HallJuly 4th
Ordinary MeetingRole of the Expert Witness Called by the DefenceSept 18th
 Dr Julius Grant 
Ordinary MeetingSexual Violence, Fact or Fantasy?November 21st
 Mrs Margaret Puxon MD FRCOG Barrister 
AGMElected President Prof David Berry MDS PhD 


Ordinary MeetingCancelled: bad weatherJan 19th
Ordinary MeetingOperation JulieMarch 16th
 Ian Kennedy QC 
Annual DinnerRoyal West of England AcademyFeb 23rd
 Speaker: Sir Michael Swann FRS, Chairman, the BBC 
Members’ PapersDr Robin Weller: Arsenic to AnaesthesiaMay 10th
 Mr RJ Grogan: Tyre Marks as Evidence 
 Mr Hugh Roberts: Metallic implants in the Human Body 
Summer Social MeetingThe Bishops Palace, WellsJune 29th
Ordinary MeetingClues at the SceneSept 20th
 Prof Keith Simpson 
Ordinary MeetingCrime and PersonalityDec 6th
 Prof HJ Eynsenk 


Annual DinnerRoyal West of England AcademyFeb 17th
 Speaker: HH Judge McCreary 
Summer Social GatheringThe Bishops’ Palace, WellsJune
Ordinary MeetingOrganised CrimeSep 21st
 Det Chief Inspector  George Barton, Coordinator, South West Regional Crime Squad 
Ordinary Meeting;Poisoning Forensically, Some Reflections and DoubtsNov 16th
 Dr Roy Goulding, Director, Poisons Unit, New Cross Hospital 
AGMElected President: Prof John Mitchell 
Wine TastingHarveys Wine MuseumDec 6th


Annual DinnerRoyal West of England AcademyFeb 25th
Ch Grangey 1962Speaker Barry Hudson QC 
Members’ PapersLegal Aspects of Family Breakdown: Mr Geoffrey ParmenterApr 20th
 Homicide in Porphyria: Dr Peter Trafford 
 Preparation of Medical Reports: Mr James Black 
Summer Social GatheringThe Bishops’ Palace, WellsJuly 15th
Ordinary MeetingHow Much force Was Required To Produce This Injury?Sep 22nd
 Prof Bernard Knight 
Ordinary MeetingThe Black Panther TrialNov 18th
 Mr Gilbert Gray QC 


Annual DinnerDragonara HotelFeb 27th
 Speaker Mr William Rees-Mogg. Editor, The Times 
Ordinary MeetingShortage of Transplant Organs: Medical and Legal AspectsMay 5th
 Prof Roy Yorke Calne FRS 
Ordinary MeetingSenior Vice Squad Officer: Drug AbuseSept 30th
AGMElected President: The Hon Mr Justice Park 
Ordinary MeetingMr Donald Hawkins, HM Deputy Coroner: Function of the Coroner’s OfficeNov 12th
9 vintages of Ch BataillyWine Tasting: Mr John Avery 
Ordinary MeetingThe Role and Work of the Private Forensic ScientistDec 2nd
 Dr Julius Grant 


Inaugural Dinner:Dragonara HotelFeb 28th
 Speaker The Rt Hon Lord Justice Ormerod 
The Original CouncilPresident Dr John Apley 
 Secretaries   Mr Hugh Roberts (medical) 
 Mr Malcolm Cotterill (legal) 
 Members Mr Richard Gaskell, Mr Ken Gibson, Mr James Black, 
 Dr Jim Barber, Dr Ian Bailey, Mr Jack Ross 
Symposium: Road AccidentsInvited speaker Dr GH McKay:, Reader in Traffic Safety, Univ of ReadingOctober 22nd
      with  Mr H Griffiths: New light on concussion 
    Mr RW Hiles: Facial injuries 
    Mr PH Roberts: Intrusion injuries of lower limbs 
    Mr P Fallon QC: Legal aspects