Thursday 12 May 2016 – Dr Ben Gupta – “Working with Medecins Sans Frontieres”
Also: Annual General Meeting
For our final meeting of the season, and in a slight change to our programme, we have Dr Ben Gupta, Consultant Anaesthetist at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Trust. He will be talking about his interesting work for the humanitarian medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres.
During his training in the NHS Ben took time out to work for MSF and on 4 separate missions he spent a total of 1 year in the field working as an anaesthetist in both Papua New Guinea and more recently with victims of the Syrian conflict in Jordan.
He has also worked on multiple expeditions and in pre-hospital aeromedical medicine.
He set up the Developing World Anaesthesia course in Bristol in 2012 to train other anaesthetists wanting to work in this area and now directs this course twice yearly at the Royal College of Anaesthetists in London.
Family commitments have stopped him going overseas in the last year but he remains an active member of the MSF-UK association and is currently standing for election to the board of trustees. Ben lives in Hotwells with his wife and daughter and in his spare time he plays in a local brass quintet around the pubs of Bristol!